IVF in Israel has been helping patients all over the world expand their families since 1996. The clinic was the very first private IVF program in Northern Israel, and today IVF in Israel is one of the largest and most successful IVF clinics in the area.
Located in Haifa, Israel, IVF in Israel offers the most advanced and personalized infertility care. Dr. Shahar Kol is the leading fertility specialist at the clinic, and truly cares about each and every patient.
He says, “Fertility treatment touches on the most sensitive personal aspect of life. Such treatment requires personal attention, candor - putting the couple’s interest in the first place. I am committed to individualized approach to treatment."
With this individualized approach also comes a wide range of advanced infertility treatments including assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like ICSI, MESA, TESA and blastocyst culture system. The clinic also has an in-house cryobiology lab and access to a nearby sperm bank.
IVF in Israel also actively participates in university-affiliated research and clinical trials. This means patients have access to the latest technologies in the improvement of sperm, egg and embryo quality. Dr. Kol has written a number of peer-reviewed reports on infertility research, and has gained the utmost respect from other infertility specialists on an international level.
Patients who choose IVF in Israel are offered much more than state-of-the-art medical technology. IVF in Israel also boasts high pregnancy success rates that are comparable to well-known IVF clinics in the United States and Western Europe.
This may be because patients have full access to comprehensive infertility counseling and personal attention from doctors, nurses and infertility specialists throughout the entire treatment process. The staff at IVF in Israel is committed to the safety and comfort of every patient.
One unique feature of IVF in Israel is the incorporation of alternative techniques in combination with advanced medical solutions. IVF in Israel is the first clinic in the country to offer this very special service.
Every woman undergoing IVF treatments has the opportunity to receive acupuncture before and after the transfer of the embryo. Patients are also given the chance to include a full acupuncture regimen into their infertility treatments and throughout pregnancy.
The doctors and staff at IVF in Israel welcome patients from all corners of the globe, and have patient success stories from the United States, Ukraine, Ecuador and more. IVF in Israel is dedicated to providing the most exclusive care, advanced treatments, and unwavering success rates, all at a surprisingly affordable cost.
Services offered at IVF in Israel include:
-In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
-Ovum Donor Program
-Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
-Embryo and Semen Cryopreservation
-Advanced Embryo Culture Systems (Blastocyst Culture)
Request a Free IVF Quote for the fertility treatment you are seeking with IVF in Israel in Haifa, Israel. Your IVF Quote will be e-mailed to you within seconds, and will include an estimate of the total cost of the treatment you have selected, total number of days you will be required to stay in Israel and doctor's notes.
If you are not sure which treatment you need or would like to speak to someone about your condition, please click one of the buttons below to Ask for a Callback or Ask a Question. One of our patient representatives will phone you back as soon as possible.