When you enter a paid egg donation cycle, you will be financially compensated for your time and physical commitment. Egg donation IVF clinics realize that during the egg donation process for egg donors, priorities will need to revolve around doctor’s appointments and medications for several weeks.
Going Beyond Giving
Candidates for egg donor programs often live through years of heartache, undergoing one fertility treatment after another to experience the miracle of childbirth. Selling your eggs to fertility clinics can help these couples to realize their dream with the help of a generous IVF egg donor.
Egg Donor—Do I Qualify?
It’s the generosity of women like you who help infertile couples make their dreams of becoming parents come true. We acknowledge you for choosing to be a contribution to the lives of others.
Please keep in mind that potential Egg Donors must generally meet the following basic criteria:
- Between 18 and 31 (age requirements may vary among clinics)
- Fit and healthy with BMI between 19 – 30
- Proper mental health
- Blood group and RH
- Good intellectual level
- Suitable FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels
- Absence of gynecological disease
- Absence of transmissible disease
- No personal or family history of inheritable disorders
**additional requirements may be prerequisite by some IVF clinics.
It is the kindness of women like you who help infertile couples make their dreams of becoming parents come true. Egg donors are highly acknowledged for choosing to be a superior contribution to the lives of others.
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